Mrs. Loftus's preschool class started drawing in their journals today. Great work future artists! #ParsonsPride #YouMatter #Nbtschools #NBTECC

Preschool classes enjoyed gross motor activity stations during gym class today with Mrs. Wilhelm. The students loved getting outside on this gorgeous day! Have a great weekend and see you all Monday! #ParsonsPride #YouMatter #Nbtschools

Students in Mrs. Lewis's 4th grade class worked together to Save Fred! The challenge was to get the life saver around "Fred the Worm" by only touching the paper clips. Students needed to practice teamwork, good communication, and problem solving skills! #ParsonsPride #YouMatter

During Mrs. Wilhelm's preschool special classes this week students completed their first STEAM challenge. Can you build a house that can fit all the members of your family? Future engineers in the making! #ParsonsPride #YouMatter #NBTECC

Students in Mrs. Reynold's class worked in their stations yesterday and are learning so much! Awesome job! #ParsonsPride #YouMatter #Nbtschools #Truenorthbrunswick

EXCITING OPENING FOR A LONG-TERM SUBSTITUTE TEACHER! Apply now at www.applitrack.com/nbtschools/onlineapp/

Federal Government Program Ended: https://vimeo.com/742305638
Video Español: https://vimeo.com/741977500
FREE & REDUCED LUNCH APPLICATION 2022-23 Apply: www.nbtschools.org/lunch
INFORMACIÓN DE ALMUERZO GRATIS Y REDUCIDO 2022-2023 www.nbtschools.org/almuerzo

Walk your child to school day! Thank you to all our Parsons families who participated. #YouMatter #ParsonsPride #TrueNorthBrunswick

Early dismissal Tuesday, September 13, 2022.
Open House/Back to School Night
Check early dismissal times on our website: https://www.nbtschools.org/page/school-hours
View the NBTSchools calendar here: https://www.nbtschools.org/page/calendar

WALK YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL September 13, 2022 NBTECC, Parsons, Livingston Park, Linwood Gather at Public Library 7:45 AM https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aMcja4CVWI0FlTvWL6-SoWuMPl3nnp0q/view?usp=sharing

Register Today!
September 13, 2022 NBTECC, Parsons, Livingston Park, Linwood Gather at Public Library 7:45 AM

Mrs. Kessler's PreK class enjoyed their classroom centers this Friday. Have a great weekend! #ParsonsPride #YouMatter #Nbtschools #NBTECC

Students have loved playing on the new blacktop at recess that was painted and refreshed this September. Thanks again to all the volunteers, those who donated supplies and the PTO! #ParsonsPride #YouMatter #Nbtschools

Mrs. Reynold’s class had a great day of learning and stations! #ParsonsPride #YouMatter #Nbtschools

Miss Fernandes’s class made a class book about foods they liked and read with a partner today! #YouMatter #ParsonsPride

Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Pre-K Open House 5 PM
K-4 Open House 6:00 PM
Early Dismissal 1:00 PM

Pre-K students in Mrs Wilhelm’s art class explored how we are all unique and special through creating self portraits. Wow! #ParsonsPride #YouMatter #Nbtschools