Students in Mrs. Wilhelm’s pre-K class tore and sorted scraps of paper by color. The students will use the torn pieces for a class project later this week. ♻️ 🌏 🌱

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Students in Mrs Wilhelm’s Pre-K class celebrated the end of our Building Unit by displaying all of our group projects from the past few weeks.

Mrs. Gilmore and Mrs. Quevedo’s class had brown E’s for snack today-APRIL FOOLS! 😂

Congratulations to Nyra, Ayesha, Kamila, Obrempong, Ammy, Syeda and Nicholas~Parsons Sensational Seven. They are outstanding students, role models and citizens of our community. We are so very proud of you.

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Choice time fun in Mrs Wilhelm’s class today as we enjoy our last week of our Building Study!

It’s a dance party in the gym with Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Angeles

Students in Ms. Schneiweis and Ms. Viani's class are learning to write their opinions about collections they brought in from home.

Ms. Domadia's PreK Class Celebrated National Scribble Day creating scribble art!
"Great art starts with a scribble!!"

Congratulations to Annastacia, Itzel, Isabella, Aaron, Joseph, Adelfy and Stephanie~Parsons Sensational Seven. They are outstanding students, role models and citizens of our community. We are so very proud of you.

Students in Mrs. Kessler’s Pre-K class enjoyed working together to build with cup stacks in the Gym during Physical Education class with Mrs. Angeles!

“4th Graders in Mrs. Lewis’s class take on the role of “Loyalist” or “Patriot” as they formally debate on issues like The French + Indian War, Boston Massacre, and Boston Tea Party.”

“Mrs. Lewis a.k.a. John Hancock sets up her students to reenact the 2nd Continental Congress, to celebrate all they’ve researched about the American Revolution.”

Mrs. Quinn’s class with their culminating Language Arts American Revolution unit debate Loyalist vs. Patriots

Mrs. Rozycki’s fourth graders are observing the properties of soil for their Earth & Space unit in science.

Students in Ms. Schneiweis and Ms. Viani’s class learned to use an eye dropper and explore capacity of a small container by using water.

After guessing how many classrooms were in our school, Mrs. Kessler’s prek students toured the school to see what other types of rooms were in our building. Outside our building, students were excited to spy a rainbow!

Mrs. Gilmore and Mrs. Quevedo’s class filled our Pom Pom jar for good choices!! We earned extra playground time today! Yay!!!

Yesterday we made trampas de duendes (leprechaun traps), and today students tested them out and shared them with the class. So many pairs caught their duendes! And students did a great job working with their partner. 🍀🙂