Mrs. Schneiweis and Mrs. Viani’s first grade class enjoyed celebrating 2-22-22 2’s-Day with some dress up fun! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Sra. Sokol’s 1st grade dual language class celebrated “el día del 2.” They had several 22 second competitions for students such as writing as many sight words as possible in 22 seconds. They also made crowns to celebrate the day. What a blast! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Apply by March 3, 2022 at www.applitrack.com/nbtschools/onlineapp/

The preschool staff at Parsons celebrated "Twosday" with special shirts and events throughout the day. What an amazing team! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Pre-K in Mrs. Loftus's class celebrated "Twosday!" They made hats, colored the number "two" with two colors to make a two-colored pattern, danced and moved to "22" AND had a great day! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Miss Fernandes's kindergarten class made time capsules today to open in 10 years. Awesome job kindergarten! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether #2-22-22

On 2-22-22 Tuesday the 2nd grade enjoyed a variety of activities to celebrate! The staff and students wore tutus, ties and two of things. What fun! A terrific 2's-Day! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Parsons students had a blast this week in the GYM. Our kid’s heart challenge stations were a hit for all ages! We have already raised over $2,000 for the American Heart Association and are still accepting donations through all of February. Thank you Parsons families! Please remember to register your child online to count towards our school total; this helps us to earn our PE equipment bonus! Www.heart.org/khc

Ms. Fernandes's kindergarten learned about presidents today. What fun and great work by our kindergarten friends! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

It's official! Duck won for president today in Mrs. Wilhelm's pre-k class. Students loved learning about how their vote counts and reading the book "Duck for President." Happy President's Day! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Preschool students and staff at Parsons enjoyed ending their Clothing Study Unit with a Fashion Show Celebration! Students designed nd created vests over the course of the study. Wow! Great job! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Monday, February 21, 2022 NBTSchools will be closed in observance of Presidents' Day.
View the NBTSchools calendar here: https://www.nbtschools.org/page/calendar

Friday, February 18, 2022 is an early dismissal for students.
Check early dismissal times on our website: https://www.nbtschools.org/page/school-hours
View the NBTSchools calendar here: https://www.nbtschools.org/page/calendar

The future engineers in Mrs. Wilhelm's pre-k class built ramps today during choice time. Great work! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Miss Fernandes's kindergarten class helped spread Valentine's Day cheer by delivering staff members donuts on behalf of Sunshine. What adorable helpers! Staff members received a card saying, "We DONUT know what we would do without you!" Nice work! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Students in Mrs. Wilhelm's pre-k class enjoyed creating mailbox bags for their valentine's. They loved making their special deliveries too! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Mrs. Schneiweis and Mrs. Viani’s class celebrated the 100th day! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Mrs. Loftus’ class found 100 small toys on the 100th day of school! They also made hats to celebrate! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Mrs. R. Jones and Ms. Sokol’s class participated in Greg Tang’s virtual lesson in math. Schools from around the country participated. #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Mrs. Kessler’s Preschool class celebrated the 100th day of school today!