The elves in Ms. Fernandes’s kindergarten delivered treats to the staff. #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

December 23 will be an early dismissal. School hours: https://northbrunswicknj.sites.thrillshare.com/page/school-hours
Schools will be closed 12/24-12/31. BOE offices will be open on 12/28 and 12/29 with limited staffing. Schools reopen Jan. 3rd.

The students in Ms. Malik’s class had a great time studying and researching people as they learned about biographies in reading class.

Apply by December 29, 2021 at www.applitrack.com/nbtschools/onlineapp/

First grade celebrated Polar Express Day in Mrs. Schneweis and Mrs. Viani's class. #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

EXCITING NEW JOB OPENINGS ARE AVAILABLE! Apply by December 29, 2021 at www.applitrack.com/nbtschools/onlineapp/

Yesterday Mrs. Rozycki's 4th grade students presented their non-fiction weather research slideshows to the rest of the class. We learned about tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards & tsunamis! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

8 Dynamic District Schools - Flexibility for School Preference
Visit our Human Resources page at www.nbtschools.org for more information & easy to follow application steps.

Mrs. Loftus's pre-k friends made peppermint Oobleck! They used crushed candy canes. It smelled so good! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Students in Mrs. Lewis’s class got into the holiday spirit yesterday with some fantastic “ugly sweaters!” #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Apply by December 26, 2021 at www.applitrack.com/nbtschools/onlineapp/

Congratulations to Zidan, Benjamin, Uriel David, Tristan, Paige, Yanerys and Mariangely~ Parsons Sensational Seven. They are outstanding students, role models and citizens of our community. We are so very proud of you.

Miss Fernandes's class made their suitcases and passports to start learning about holidays around the world! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogerher

Apply by December 19, 2021 at www.applitrack.com/nbtschools/onlineapp/

Our parachute games were a big hit in the GYM this week! Students really enjoyed playing Shark Hunters & Alligator Attack with Mrs. Angeles and Mrs. Johnson! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Students in first grade dual language blue world with Mrs. Sokol this week celebrated the end of Hanukkah by playing the dreidel game and making menorahs. What a great job working together! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Congratulations to Emma, Gianella, Athena, Matthew, Micah, Mikaela & Yaniel - Parsons Sensational Seven! They are outstanding students, role models and citizens of our community. We are so very proud of you! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Students in Mrs. Kessler's Pre-K class had a lot of fun painting trees with pine branches and pine cones as part of their trees unit of study. Nice work! #BetterTogether #ParsonsPride

Miss Fernandes's kindergarten students read their writing pieces to Mrs. Rozycki's 4th graders this week. Everyone did such a great job! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Students in Mrs. Druker's kindergarten class enjoyed writing with their 4th grade friends from Mrs. Quinn's class yesterday. What great writing pals! Nice teamwork! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether