At PARSONS school we are lighting up the world with KINDNESS! #Parsonspride #drawntogether #truenorthbrunswick
about 5 years ago, Parsons Penguins
First grade dual language started their Polar Express day reading the book to learn how books and movies are different and similar
about 5 years ago, Parsons Penguins
We are very proud to announce that Parsons Governor's Educator of the year is Lisa Rudolph. Ms. Rudolph is described by her colleagues and parents as one who goes out of her way to help others, students and staff alike. She is devoted to her students to insure their success. Ms. Rudolph is a passionate, dedicated advocate for children and Parsons is very fortunate to have her. #Parsonspride #drawntogether
about 5 years ago, Parsons Penguins
Officer Hanrahan and Officer Cumiskey visited our 3rd graders today to discuss winter weather safety.  We had fun trying on all of their protective clothing and learned to avoid dangerous situations with ice and snow.
over 5 years ago, Matthew Kravetsky
Adopt a cop December
Adopt a cop December
Adopt a cop December
Adopt a cop December
Students in grades 3-5 had a blast this week in P.E.! We were able to use our previously learned skills in a modified basketball game called “Offense, Defense, Shoot!” #parsonspride #drawntogether
over 5 years ago, Parsons Penguins
Congratulations to Parsons Sensational 7 for December 13, 2019! We are so very proud of Sophia, Alexsander, Miiaurah, Bryson, Mia, Lyra and Dhruv for being selected for this wonderful award! #parsonspride #drawntogether #truenorthbrunswick
over 5 years ago, Parsons Penguins
Sensational 7
Parsons School celebrates Hour of Code Week by creating their own Google logos, coding their own superheroes, making computer games, coding a high-energy dance party, and much more! See student coding champs at #parsonspride #drawntogether
over 5 years ago, Parsons Elementary
Hour of Code
Reminder: The 2020 Science Symposium for grades 3-12 will be held on February 23rd at NBTHS. The last day to register is 12/22/19! Visit for more information
over 5 years ago, NBTSchools
Miss Lustig and Miss Griffith's fourth grade class celebrate the weather unit by comparing their two topics and becoming a weather expert. #ParsonsPride #drawntogether
over 5 years ago, Genene Rozycki
A collage of our celebration!
Mrs Gilmore’s class showed we are true super readers after making super reader capes to celebrate finishing our super power unit in reading workshop! #Parsonspride #drawntogether
over 5 years ago, Parsons Penguins
The detectives in Mrs Lewis’ 3rd grade class are sharing their expertise by creating How to Read a Mystery posters!  Step 1-Find out the mystery. Step 2- Know who the detectives are 3. Be suspicious of everyone!   #parsonspride #drawntogether
over 5 years ago, Parsons Penguin
How to read mysteries by Mrs. Lewis’s class
Mrs. Quinn's fourth grade class is presenting their research on weather to the rest of the class. Great job! #ParsonsPride #drawntogether
over 5 years ago, Genene Rozycki
Presenting on Hurricanes
Presenting on Floods
Presenting on Droughts
Mrs Davis and Miss Griffith’s class exploring how light travels through different objects. #ParsonsPride #drawntogether
over 5 years ago, Genene Rozycki
Using a fog machine to show how light travels in a straight line.
Showing how light is dispersed differently through wax paper and is able to travel through to reach the paper.
Noticing that night is observed by the paper and it does not travel through .
Congratulations  to Parsons Sensational 7 for December 6, 2019! We are so very proud of Gregori, Yariel, Camryn, Julio, Felix, Gabby and Gia for being selected for this wonderful award! #parsonspride #drawntogether #truenorthbrunswick
over 5 years ago, Parsons Penguins
Sensational 7
In Kindergarten, Sra. Guzio is trying a new way for sight word practice as students will be writing about things they see this week.
over 5 years ago, Vicki Fernandes
Sra. Guzio’s Dual Language Kindergarten Class
Miss Rudolph & Mrs. Tekkoc’s Class filled out Venn Diagrams comparing/contrasting characters.
over 5 years ago, Parsons Elementary
Venn Diagrams in 2nd grade
Special dismissal times for Mon. Dec 2 in anticipation of inclement weather
over 5 years ago, Parsons Penguins
To celebrate the end of their nonfiction unit, fifth grade students present their nonfiction research projects. Great job to all! #parsonspride #drawntogether
over 5 years ago, Parsons Penguin
5th grade students presenting their nonfiction projects.
Mrs. Clark's class releasing milkweed seeds into our garden. #parsonspride #drawntogether
over 5 years ago, Parsons Penguin
Mrs. Clark’s students releasing milkweed into our garden.
Me. Ceballos’ class learned about recycling and reusing crayons so we can make new ones with our crayon maker machine #parsonspride#drawntogether
over 5 years ago, Parsons Penguins