Ms. Granato’s first grader class loves partner reading. It’s one of their favorite times of the day! #BetterTogether #ParsonsPride

Students in Mrs. Loftus’s class celebrated Peace Week with peace signs! #BetterTogether #ParsonsPride

Pre-K students in Mrs. Wilhelm's class worked to journal about trees and gather items for the science center to kick off their new Tree Study Unit this week. What a great way to connect to nature! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 20, 21, & 22
Check with your school for details.
Early closing for students

REMINDER: Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 20, 21, & 22
Check with your school for details
Early closing for students

Ms. Fernandes's kindergarten class practiced writing numbers while playing Race to Trace! Good work kindergarten! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Congratulations to Erica, Gavin, Johann, Darlene, Jack, Jayden and Bruno ~Parsons Sensational Seven. They are outstanding students, role models and citizens of our community. We are so very proud of you.

Mrs. Wang’s class did an art project to practice their colors and fine motor skills. Nice work! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

The students in Mrs. Schneiweis and Mrs. Viani‘s class enjoyed a movement and singing activity during music class with Mrs. Major! #BetterTogether #ParsonsPride

Students in Mrs. Loftus’s Pre-K class enjoyed building structures with their new blocks during choice time! Wow! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

A great BIG thanks to NB PD, NB Parks & Rec, NBTEA, The Brain Injury Alliance, KMM, and Mobile Family Success for a TERRIFIC Bike Rodeo last night. It was great to see students and families learning about bike safety, helmet fitting and having fun! #truenorthbrunswick

Parsons School celebrates fire prevention month with North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company # 1. Thank you Fireman Leo, Fireman Dan and Fireman George for a wonderful presentation today

Students in Mrs. Foster's Pre-K class enjoyed learning together and forming friendships during choice time. Nice job friends! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether

Parsons School celebrates fire prevention month with North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company # 1. Thank you Fireman Leo, Fireman Dan and Fireman George for a wonderful presentation today

Parsons School celebrates fire prevention month with North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company # 1. Thank you Fireman Leo, Fireman Dan and Fireman George for a wonderful presentation today

Parsons School celebrates fire prevention month with North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company # 1. Thank you Fireman Leo, Fireman Dan and Fireman George for a wonderful presentation today

Parsons School celebrates fire prevention month with North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company # 1. Thank you Fireman Leo, Fireman Dan and Fireman George for a wonderful presentation today

Parsons School celebrates fire prevention month with North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company # 1. Thank you Fireman Leo, Fireman Dan and Fireman George for a wonderful presentation today

Parsons School celebrates fire prevention month with North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company # 1. Thank you Fireman Leo, Fireman Dan and Fireman George for a wonderful presentation today

Parsons School celebrates fire prevention month with North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company # 1. Thank you Fireman Leo, Fireman Dan and Fireman George for a wonderful presentation today