Parsons School celebrates fire prevention month with North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company # 1. Thank you Fireman Leo, Fireman Dan and Fireman George for a wonderful presentation today
over 3 years ago, Parsons Penguins
Parsons School celebrates fire prevention month with North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company # 1. Thank you Fireman Leo, Fireman Dan and Fireman George for a wonderful presentation today
over 3 years ago, Parsons Penguins
Parsons School celebrates fire prevention month with North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company # 1. Thank you Fireman Leo, Fireman Dan and Fireman George for a wonderful presentation today
over 3 years ago, Parsons Penguins
Today students in Mrs. Sokol’s 1st grade dual language class made sun dials (relojes de sol) outside. The kids had so much fun! #BetterTogether #ParsonsPride
over 3 years ago, Parsons Elementary
Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Lewis and Ms. Griffith’s class enjoyed celebrating Respect Week by helping our school. Way to go! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether
over 3 years ago, Parsons Elementary
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Mrs. Gilmores class wrote respectful words and drew kind pictures to celebrate our last day of respect week!
over 3 years ago, Parsons Penguins
Mrs. Wilhelm's Pre-K class is building strong friendships during their choice time. Great job! #BetterTogether #ParsonsPride
over 3 years ago, Parsons Elementary
Wilhelm Choice 1
Wilhelm Choice 2
Congratulations to Layla, Srinidhi, Skarleth, Layla-Marie, Terri, Ryan and Francisco ~Parsons Sensational Seven. They are outstanding students, role models and citizens of our community. We are so very proud of you.
over 3 years ago, Parsons Penguins
sensational 7
Early dismissal for students Thursday, October 7, 2021 Check the early dismissal times Read our school calendar
over 3 years ago, NBTSchools
North Brunswick
For respect week the students in Mrs. Kessler's Pre-K class wrote kind notes to share with their friends. Nice work! #BetterTogether #ParsonsPride
over 3 years ago, Parsons Elementary
Kessler Cards
Check out these future engineers! Students in Mrs. Wilhelm's Pre-K class created a domino effect with blocks. #BetterTogether #ParsonsPride
over 3 years ago, Parsons Elementary
Engineers Wilhelm 1
Engineers Wilhelm 1
Pre-K students in Mrs. Wilhelm's class are building strong friendships during RESPECT Week at Parsons! #BetterTogether #ParsonsPride
over 3 years ago, Parsons Elementary
Respect Week Wilhelm 1
Respect Week Wilhelm 2
Congratulations Mrs. Meth on your retirement. Thank you for 30 years of serving our children. We wish you all the best!
over 3 years ago, Parsons Penguins
Students in Ms. Fernandes's class made pinwheels as part of their science lesson. They enjoyed making them and testing them out. Great work kindergarten! #BetterTogether #ParsonsPride
over 3 years ago, Parsons Elementary
Fernandes Pinwheels
October 2nd is Custodian Day! Miss Fernandes’ class wrote thank you notes to thank our hardworking custodians! #BetterTogether
over 3 years ago, Parsons Penguins
Students in Mr. Agyeman’s 4th grade class took their journal writing outside. Nice work! #ParsonsPride #BetterTogether
over 3 years ago, Parsons Elementary
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Our Prek friends in Mrs. Wilhelm’s class did a fizzy colors experiment. What fun our little scientists had! #bettertogether #ParsonsPride
over 3 years ago, Parsons Elementary
experiment Wilhelm
PreK friends in Mrs. Wilhelm’s class enjoyed fine motor practice with their first initial. Way to go PreK! #bettertogether #ParsonsPride
over 3 years ago, Parsons Elementary
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initials Wilhelm 1
Our dual language Spanish World first grade students in Ms. Sokol's class celebrated Johnny Appleseed's birthday (Sept. 26) with Johnny Appleseed hats! #BetterTogether #ParsonsPride
over 3 years ago, Parsons Elementary
Johnny Appleseed-Sokol
Students in Ms. Fernandes's kindergarten class enjoyed working together on a "Getting to Know You" activity. Great job kindergarten! #BetterToday #ParsonsPride
over 3 years ago, Parsons Elementary
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